WordPress Support

Boost Sales With Website Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

We’re a trusted and results-driven WordPress website design company. Managing your website should be simple, and our WordPress website experts set you up on the most user-friendly web platform available. Create a high-converting site optimized for search with Griffedepro Web Design’s professional WordPress design and development services.

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WordPress Support

We support your WordPress site so you can support your business.

It’s not as simple as picking a theme, adding some copy, and pushing the “Publish” button. Once your website is live, there is a lot to monitor, maintain, and update on a regular basis. From plugins to adding new content, our wordpress support makes it easy for businesses to keep their websites up-to-date.

Your main focus should be on your core business—delivering a service to your customers and doing so in an efficient and consistent manner. Your website is an essential part of your business, and it takes a lot to keep it up and running. At Big Drop, we help relieve you of that burden effectively—in time, cost, and quality—so you can put all your attention into your business.

What Is WordPress?

If you’ve performed a Google search on “what is WordPress,” you most likely did so after having experienced a WordPress website. WordPress is a website creation tool that powers more than 38 percent of the web — that means approximately 1 in 3 websites trust WordPress services. If you searched “how to design a WordPress website,” then you’ll find that this platform is considered incredibly user-friendly and easy to understand.

If you’ve performed a Google search on “what is WordPress,” you most likely did so after having experienced a WordPress website. WordPress is a website creation tool that powers more than 38 percent of the web — that means approximately 1 in 3 websites trust WordPress services. If you searched “how to design a WordPress website,” then you’ll find that this platform is considered incredibly user-friendly and easy to understand.

The vision of the original WordPress development team was to create a digital space where users can share their stories freely. The team ensured that users could:

  • Use the software for free.
  • Extend or modify the WordPress code however needed.
  • Use the code for commercial purposes without licensing fees.

So, what is WordPress exactly and what is WordPress used for today?

WordPress is an open-source software and content management system (CMS) that powers:

  • Websites
  • Enterprise websites
  • Blogs
  • Applications
  • Complex portals
  • Anything you can imagine

In WordPress terms, themes decide your website’s look and feel while plugins add functionality, such as adding a contact form or installing search engine optimization (SEO) tools. Generally, a WordPress web designer focuses on your branding and visual elements while a WordPress web developer deals with the code.

The possibilities are endless with a WordPress website, but you need a professional WordPress design and development team to make your vision come to life.


Have questions? Need to setup an email? Need to add some content to your website? We know running a business is hard enough and though you have the tools to manage your website, there isn’t always time in the day. We offer support packages to fit any monthly need. Let us help you make those updates when there isn’t enough time in your day.


Give us a bit of detail on your project and let us help!